Transcription: Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave ...
mtm (MultiTracker)
MultiTracker 1.00 MTM
Okay, Dave and Rick... This is an extra metal MTM for you two. I threw it together in only a couple of hours so if you have any complaints...Kiss Off! I hope you guys r hav- ing fun up there. I started LCCC on the 24 of August. It seems ok but I wont waste space here talking about it. Dave: You metal man... don't forget to send ME some weird stuff! Aren't you glad I sent the NIN CD to you? :) Rick: Write to me TOO! I want to read your book! I love what I've read so far. Let me have more!.hit alt-F9. Dave and Rick: I tell you this: LOVE BITES! John had his surgery, he's swollen but Ok. "Bits of me fall away" "I want the good things to LAST!" "I'M STILL HERE!" I THERE! If you are reading this, re using the MTM editor or the Wi layer I sent you! DAMMIT! I STILL LIKE HER!!!!!!!" I wish that things were new and t the sunshine were true" DAMMIT JANET!" It's just your imagination..." ...those smiles and laughs you sh never hide..." To bop like a bunny (which is pre funny) was all that he needed to undefeated" Can't quite make it all go away" Party till you puke? BULLSHIT! Go a conversation with the one(s) t you love." Promise me that I am not in vain" Dropped my hopes a mile back so t they wont hurt me again. It was